Friday, November 16, 2012

Is Obama a Louis Farrakan of Class Warfare?

TheLouis Farrakhan of Class Warfare

Part of the argument that Obama is outside the American mainstream, a number of conservatives insisted that Obama is a black radical who was raised to hate whites and joined a Black African-centered church. Obama’s attendance, they perceived, encouraged blacks to separate themselves from the rest of the American society. Conservatives believe that black theology manipulates embittered young blacks by turning their feelings of inferiority, alienation, jealousy, hopelessness and self-hatred into racist rage against whites, Orientals and affluent blacks who are conveniently blamed for their lack of personal initiative to better their lot in life. They believe that it is primarily a form of “black on black” racism (Jon, 2008).
Conservatives opposed to Obama tend hold the notion that black theology is a Marxist political belief that emphasizes God’s love of the poor and oppressed to the point of paralyzing and demoralizing them to accept a parasitic life-style dependent on government “handouts” Assistance to the poor and oppressed destroys self-reliance, entrepreneurship and responsibility. Black theology, to these critiques, feeds off of class envy and racial rage. These conservatives believe that black theology and its Obama followers should forsake from spending their time blaming the white man for the black man’s problems and encourage their own to become financially successful through hard work and self-reliance (Ibid).
The black radical caricature used to politically isolate and alienate President Obama stalked his presidency. Sean Hannity tried to tie Obama to a Farrakhan-like black radicalism. In doing so, he tried to enlist Herman Cain in this mission. Cain did not want to either play Hannity’s game or follow his lead. Hannity was trying to sell President Obama as a disciple of division Farrakhan on the basis of class warfare and to a lesser degree race (Newshound, 2012).
According to the right-wing conspiracy theorist opposing Obama, he stole the 2008 by using his radical “foot-soldiers,” namely the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and the New Black Panther Party, among others, to register illegal voters and rig the election in his favor (See Image 3). Fox reported that Obama led and directed ACORN’s every move. Besides stealing the election, Fox asserts his ACORN representatives used their “strong-arm tactics” to force banks to make the low-interest housing loans that were defaulted upon and led to the steepest economic stagnation since the Great Depression. They concluded that Obama’s ACORN rather than hedge-fund managers were responsible for the Wall Street implosion of September 2008 (Press, 2012).
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