Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Nurturing Star Children or Alpha Avatars

To ensure that exceptional ETs or alpha avatars fulfill their star potential, they must be subjected to a mentoring or baptism processes aimed at releasing their potential and directing it in the fulfillment of the cosmic imperative of teaching humanity to live in peace and harmony with one, another and all living things, as well as preserve the on-world and off-world environment rather than exploit it for self-aggrandizing wealth. Parents, grandparents, teachers, significant others in the community, etc., must take an interest in the proper development of Star Children. These primary and secondary socialization agents must understand and utilize the premise that all children are human ETS, and that they have the potential to be Star Children through creative play and psychomotor activity to develop five essential life skills. These shared traits, identified by Andrew Oser, include the following:

For more information see: 

Star Children and Celestrial Adults

Extraterrestrials directly seeded or intervened to develop Star Children without the apparent knowledge of other humans and authorities who may destroy their hybrid or abort its mission to elevate, inspire, and ensure that humanity achieves its potential. The Star Children, upon development, would “brighten the light of humanity” respecting meeting and exceeding the creator’s imperatives of living in harmony with one another, other living beings throughout the universe and appreciating the environment. The primary imperative is expected to ensure that humanity act in a responsible way without endangering both, itself and the greater galactic community. After becoming “celestial adult,” they would ascend.  In the process, they would have bolstered their own and mankind’s evolutionary spiritual development.  

Celestial adults” who evolved from being “star children” are empowered to morally persuade humans to disengage from a belief system operating against the creator’s imperatives and cosmic consciousness that benefit the greedy and self-aggrandized. As saviors, they would work to make the public aware of the illicit partnership between these self-serving elites that command the actions of both the private and public sectors. Respectfully, “celestial adults” would serve as role models, developers and mentors for the next generation of Star Children aspiring to reach and exceed their potential as difference makers in the struggle to overcome intolerance, avarice, corruption, oppression and other evils through education and conscious rising.

      Some of the Star Children who mature to adult stars have abnormally-enlarged or elongated brains, skulls, and other ET attributes (See Image 14). A Star child’s skull, over 900 years old, was found in Mexico in 1930. The skull went through a battery of scientific test over the past ten years. The caretaker, Lloyd Pye, attempted to verify if the skull was an abnormally human or a hybrid from alien and human parents. Test includes electron microscope analysis, mitochondrial DNA analysis, and nuclear DNA recovery. Results ruled out known human deformities. Further tests indicate that the skull is indeed a human-alien hybrid (UFO Blogger, 2012). Recreations match descriptions of the “Greys,” an alien repudiated as seeding humans thousands  

 For more information see: or Amazon Books and Kindle under the author's name: Dr. Rufus Jimerson.

Breakthroughs in DNA Research Respecting Our Off-World/ Mutant Genes

The receptivity to the civilization derived from Nommos of the Sirius Star System adapted to Terra Nova by Dogons and the first inhabitants of Africa supercedes race, ethnicity, language, and other differences. There is, according to the ancient alien theorists, a genetic imperative whereby Human DNA was altered by off-world beings “jump start” their development. This theory is now being verified by the latest DNA research. The use of vastly improved technological tools and procedures have revealed that the majority of our genes are extraterrestrial in origin and have at least 100 new mutations developed over the last 70 years (Jiang & Li, 2007; Chand, 2007). The findings regarding mutations may lead to new treatments and insights into our evolution (Chand, 2007). This evidence strengthens the theory that extraterrestrial genes may be the “trigger” for our evolutionary development from hominids and other primates to Homo sapiens with an evolving intellect. The scientific evidence also strengthens the hypothesis that the extraterrestrial genes may be harbored within or be the soul or dark matter that maintains our human existence and immoral spirit. For more information see:

Friday, November 16, 2012

Manchurian President of the United States?

Why is President Obama So Popular
 Among Most Americans Despite
 Being Labeled A ‘Outsider’?
During the campaign for his first term in office despite distortions of his words and alliances, a majority of registered voters identified with his theme of “hope and change.” He symbolized a post-racial America that young college-educated  whites, African-Americans and Hispanic Americans wanted to believe-in. Obama maintains such popularity among these same groups into the 2012 election despite the efforts by his Republican opponents to vilify him.
The Obama team believes that the stronger the president is seen as empathetic to the needs and interest of the voters, his favorability would remain high and resulting popularity will translate into votes that would be most beneficial to the largest segment of the population. It is true that likeability is positively correlated with political favorability and base of support. The stronger a candidate’s or incumbent’s base of support the easier it is to raise more campaign dollars than your opponent prior to the Citizens United decision. This decision by conservative Supreme Court made attracting dollars from the corporate elite more significant than meeting the needs the majority.
Chances or probability to acquire or sustain a political office is higher for any candidate who raises more campaign dollars. At least, 94 percent of the office holders have out raised and outspent their opponent. Raising more money gives a candidate a greater chance to define his or her opposition as less desirable or unqualified irrespective of the truth. In a post-Citizens United environment, Obama’s opponents, including Super Pacs, are likely to outspend their team by $400 or more million. These opponents have already outspent Democrats in the 2010 midterms and captured the House of Representatives while narrowing the Democratic Party’s majority in the U. S. Senate to stale any or halt White House initiatives. Besides stalling and halting Obama’s initiatives since the midterm elections, opponents in an effort to deny him a second term has heightened their attack on his likeability and political favorability while recruiting Wall Street financial institutions, which formerly supported the elected president. To convince supporters to abandon Obama, they attacked him for not bring the economy back by allowing more freedom and lower taxes on the wealthiest Americans and businesses. Romney (R-MA), a Wall Street businessman, is an insider among the in-group elite that corporate America feels more comfort with and trust. They believe he is more empathetic towards their quest for wealth and sustainability. In addition, Obama’s opponents are seeking a pro-business Congress that would secure their aspirations respecting profits, income, wealth, and global hegemony.
For more information click on the following link: or Amazon Books and Kindle under author's name: Dr. Rufus Jimerson.

Obama and the Rise of Identity Politics

The Rise of Identity Politics and
 Nativism Among Conservatives
The opponents and supporters are looking through the self-identification prism respecting Obama and political figures throughout the nation’s history. A wide range of class, regional, ethnic, racial, religious and other identifications are involved in long-term partisan commitments, short-term movements of political opinion, and “wedge issues” that drive voters from one candidate and party to its opponents. Polarization respecting these variables depends on the condition of the economy. The nation is now experiencing this polarization as the economy is slowly recovering from the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression. Each group is demanding a larger return on their taxes.
Those with the highest means and taxes are demanding the greatest relief through conservative politician and austerity programs being offered by the Republican Party. Those with the least means among the working class and poor are using the social safety net to save them from hunger, homelessness, and deprivation due to prolonged unemployment beyond the payment of benefits. With their health needs beyond their means, they needed more government assistance from legislators whose campaigns are financed by those demanding tax relief and smaller government.
Identity politics has driven conservatism since the sixties. The Reagan conservative revolution was built on attracting Democrats to the Republican Party in pursuit of policies designed to stagnate racial progress by non-whites, particularly blacks (African-Americans) and browns (Latino) populations. Democrats demand for economic justice and fairness was rechanneled into ensuring that non-whites are not or less subsidized by white taxpayers. Ethnocentrism, nativism, and racial resentment built the Republican base of voters, politicians and its conservative ideology (Douthat, 2012).
Nativism among the established or dominant group heightens when there is a surge of immigration, particularly during times when the economy is stagnant. The dominant group in the United States has been White Anglo-Saxon Protestants (WASP) by the force of their arms, institutions, and wealth-building institutions from the inception of the nation. Nativism is the political position of demanding a favored status for the established or dominant inhabitants of a nation as compared to fair treatment of out-group members or immigrants (Entzinger, Martiniello & Wendon, 2004).

Is Obamacare Big Government?

Spending Money Like
A Drunken Sailor?
Last but not least, President Obama has been labeled as the most dangerous “tax and spend” Democrat to hold the highest office in the nation. Obama’s critics stress that once Obamacare is fully enacted job creators will be billed for generous subsidies to purchase health insurance and increases Medicaid from at least 17 new taxes or penalties imposed to rise over $501 billion. They argue that this kind of spending and taxes will not reduce but actually increase the government’s deficit presently in the tens of trillions. These critics state that the impact of Obamacare over ten years as reported by the Joint Committee on Taxation (JCJ) is but “a tip of the iceberg.” They believe it will cost $4 trillion in higher taxes to pay for Obamacare as estimated by the Joint Economic Committee (JEC) that is three times greater than what JCJ estimated and White House’s relied upon (Senger, 2012).
To stress taxes that will be extracted from the economy, critics of the Affordable Care Act identified the following taxes and cost which will have to be paid by 2019:
·         Hospital Insurance Tax, $210 billion.
·         Mandate Penalties, $65 billion
·         Health Insurance Provider Fee, $60 billion
·         Cadillac Tax, $32 billion
·         Prescription Drug Fees, $27 billion
·         Ethanol Tax, $24 billion
·         Medical Device Tax, $20 billion
·         Business Regulation Cost, $TBA
·         Reducing Medical Deductions, $15 billion
·         FSA Limits, $13 billion (Ibid).
Critics believe Obama would mortgage the future wages of hard-working American families and businesses for job destroying entitlements and subsidies. The taxes transferred from private hands, they argue, to fund Obamacare would stymie economic growth. Money would flow from more efficient market-based allocations to the least efficient means. In addition, work and savings would be discouraged when higher tax rates decrease the incentives for individuals to work and save more, both of which are essential for economic growth (Dubay, 2011).
For more information click on the following link: or Amazon Books and Kindle under the author's name: Dr. Rufus Jimerson.

Are We Ruled by Shapeshiftring Aliens From Matrix?

Some exo-theorist and bloggers believe that the nation’s first African-American president and the pharaoh who established monotheism in Egypt are aliens or their “avatar” hybrids. A blogger, code name thejcrevelator2, used the following to question Obama’s humanity and concluded that he was born on the planet Matrix and teleported to Earth to dominate us. Alleged evidence presented that our president is an extraterrestrial includes the following:
·         Birth place is in dispute;
·         “Out of this world” left-handed jump shot;
·         Likes his enemies and wants to be their friend;
·         Does not hate anyone;
·         Always smiling regardless of the madness in his midst;
·         Appears to be enjoying a private joke no one else is aware of;
·         Seems not to care when many others call him out-of-his-name in the most derogatory terms;
·         Does not hate gays and Muslims; and,
·         Not ideological or overly partisan (Hub Pages, 2012).
Other exo-theorist, like Russell Huebsch and David Icke, claim that President Obama may be a shape shifting reptilian overlord from Alpha Draconis. The reptilians Obama represents, according to these authors, live in a far away galaxy. They brought Obama and other world leaders to Earth to enslave the human race. Allegedly, these reptilian leaders are bent on forming a “New World Order” to enforce their non-human control of our civilization. Reptilians, according to the authors, feed on human fear and negative emotions, they stirred-up. The change, according to these exo-theorists, is that the name Obama may actually be a code word for subliminally electing this alleged shape shifter as president. Obama is seen as much of a change agent as Hitler, Stalin, and Mussolini that led to the loss of tens of millions of lives and genocide of 6 million Jews (Huebsch, 2009). Other exo-theorist believe that all of humanity actually has an extraterrestrial origin initiated by Reptilians and Greys who have genetically,  religiously, and developmentally  intervened in our past and present in our to direct our future (Jimerson, 2012).
For more information click on the following link: or Amazon Books and Kindle under the author's name: Dr. Rufus Jimerson.

Reincarnation of Akhenaten (Moses) in Obama

Akhenaten, like Obama, was a transformative ruler who left a lasting impression on the world. Obama, like Akhenaten, are of Black African descent. Both have spurred controversy among the religious authorities of their time. Akhenaten fostered monotheism upon the realm to the angst of high priests who held more power and wealth than he did (Auld, 2009). Obama is controversial as a threat to the power and wealth of those in the upper 1 percent whose hegemony magnified under pay-to-play Republican administrations since Reagan. Titans of industry and big business are pledging to rise over $600 million on Super Pac advertisements to prevent President Obama from winning a second term. The Republicans on the take are working with them to erase the accomplishments of the first African-American president in U. S. history.
Pharaoh Akhenaten, like Obama, was an agent of change. He made some major, but rather short-lived changes to various aspects of Egyptian culture. Both rulers also openly demonstrated their love for children. They showed their personal and intimate side and family scenes in the public in an unprecedented manner. This openness portrayed them as a more human and naturalistic than their predecessors and challengers. Akhenaten and Obama also demonstrated charisma as world leaders and peacemakers.
 Both President Obama and Pharaoh Akhenaten are perceived as androgynous (having both male and female characteristics) by detractors. Akhenaten’s detractors who held this sentiment felt that his slight, famine, appearance; unconventional beliefs; obsession with seven daughters, including matriarchal wife Nefertiti and mother Tyre; and, focus on art, poetry and other aspects of culture threatened the conventional masculine image of pharaohs. Modern physicians that analyze his image believe that the pharaoh’s feminine mystique was the result of a gender mutation that caused his body to convert more male hormones to female hormones than needed (Dominquez, 2008).
In President Obama’s case, he is deemed by Newsweek and its openly gay writer Andrew Sullivan as the nation’s first gay president. Obama is portrayed with a rainbow halo over his head because he knowledge that gay couples should be treated with the same rights and respect as traditional couples (Stableford, 2012). He, like Akhenaten, is labeled as metrosexual, for his conviction in contrast to the pharaoh’s genetic abnormality (See Image 10). 
For more information click on the following link: or see Amazon Books and Kindle under the name of the author Dr. Rufus Jimerson.

Obama's Czars, Socialism and World Order

Czars, Democratic Socialism, New
World Order and Foreign Loyalties

President Obama has gained a reputation, fostered by smears, as treating the United States like a kingdom run by a political dictator who appoints czars to oversee his totalitarian regime (See Image 8). Republicans accuse Obama of appointing higher-level officials deemed as czars than any other president in the nation’s history. Language was placed into the budget compromise that Obama, House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid reached that effectively eliminates the czar positions overseeing health care, climate change, the auto industry and urban affairs that do not require Senate confirmation. After signing the legislation with this clause, Obama issued a statement saying he would ignore the prohibition against appointing these czars because this provision of the legislation violates his constitutional authority. In other words, the President has the constitutional right to appoint high-level officials to head any task force, council, policy office within the executive branch “without the advice and consent of the Senate (Fox News, 2011).
For more information click on the following link:

Obama's Radicalism & Indoctrination

Conservatives believe that the alleged radicalism of Obama will lead him to violate the 2nd amendment of the U. S. Constitution. They argued that he wants to take away the right to bear arms. Obama, to his foes, is more than willing to use the power of the state to oppress individuals and strip them of their liberties. Therefore, they believe it is logical to assume that President Obama wants to take away the right to bear arms and make it a group right exclusively held by the government. Added to their concerns that he would take this right away is the president’s perceived favoritism as follows:
·   Pitting 95 percent of the population against 5 percent on tax policy.
·   Opposition against nuclear power and free trade.
·   Tendency to raise taxes on the self-employed, job makers, and other Marxist venues.
Obama’s radicalism against the individual right to bear arms goes back to 1999 when he pushed for prohibitions against the operation of any gun store within five miles of a school or park.  This action once approved according to gun rights advocates would eliminate gun stores from most of the inhabited portions of the United States. In 2000, Obama sponsored a bill limiting handgun purchases to one per month. By 2004, as a state senator, he voted against a 2004 measure that allowed self-defense as an affirmative defense to those changed with violating local laws that make it unlawful for such persons to possess firearms. That same year, Obama voted against allowing persons who had obtained domestic violence protective orders to carry handguns for their protection. Once in the U. S. Senate, Obama supported several gun control measures, including restrictions on the purchase of firearms at gun shows and reauthorization of the Federal Assault Weapons Ban. Significantly, he voted against legislation protecting firearm manufacturers from certain liability suits (Ibid).
 Other conservative voices weighed in on the perceived indoctrination speech. Rowley and Laura Ingram compared Obama’s school year address to what Chairman Mao did. The message conveyed; these commentators believe, is that dictators, like Obama, and their totalitarian regimes are saviors of children. To strengthen his argument, Beck connected Obama’s address to Mussolini’s indoctrination and propaganda. On the Fox Nation, the host encouraged the audience to keep your children home the day the speech is made. Chris Stigall filling in for Lou Dobbs told the audience that Obama was trying to mold their children into a discussion and way of thinking that is contrary to family and U. S. values (See Image 7). If parents allow their children to listen to the speech the children, Stigall believes, they would become lackeys of his indoctrination. Russ Limbaugh called the speech indoctrination to the cult of personality used by Kim Jong II and Saddam Hussein. Mark Steyn on the Russ Limbaugh show stated that public education is a useful tool for getting children to be good subjects of big government when they grow up comparable to lessons taught to the young Obama in Chicago by radical William Ayers (Media Matters).
For more information click this link:
Obama's Radicalism and Indoctrination or Amazon Books and Kindle under the author's name: Dr. Rufus Jimerson.

Is Obama a Louis Farrakan of Class Warfare?

TheLouis Farrakhan of Class Warfare

Part of the argument that Obama is outside the American mainstream, a number of conservatives insisted that Obama is a black radical who was raised to hate whites and joined a Black African-centered church. Obama’s attendance, they perceived, encouraged blacks to separate themselves from the rest of the American society. Conservatives believe that black theology manipulates embittered young blacks by turning their feelings of inferiority, alienation, jealousy, hopelessness and self-hatred into racist rage against whites, Orientals and affluent blacks who are conveniently blamed for their lack of personal initiative to better their lot in life. They believe that it is primarily a form of “black on black” racism (Jon, 2008).
Conservatives opposed to Obama tend hold the notion that black theology is a Marxist political belief that emphasizes God’s love of the poor and oppressed to the point of paralyzing and demoralizing them to accept a parasitic life-style dependent on government “handouts” Assistance to the poor and oppressed destroys self-reliance, entrepreneurship and responsibility. Black theology, to these critiques, feeds off of class envy and racial rage. These conservatives believe that black theology and its Obama followers should forsake from spending their time blaming the white man for the black man’s problems and encourage their own to become financially successful through hard work and self-reliance (Ibid).
The black radical caricature used to politically isolate and alienate President Obama stalked his presidency. Sean Hannity tried to tie Obama to a Farrakhan-like black radicalism. In doing so, he tried to enlist Herman Cain in this mission. Cain did not want to either play Hannity’s game or follow his lead. Hannity was trying to sell President Obama as a disciple of division Farrakhan on the basis of class warfare and to a lesser degree race (Newshound, 2012).
According to the right-wing conspiracy theorist opposing Obama, he stole the 2008 by using his radical “foot-soldiers,” namely the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) and the New Black Panther Party, among others, to register illegal voters and rig the election in his favor (See Image 3). Fox reported that Obama led and directed ACORN’s every move. Besides stealing the election, Fox asserts his ACORN representatives used their “strong-arm tactics” to force banks to make the low-interest housing loans that were defaulted upon and led to the steepest economic stagnation since the Great Depression. They concluded that Obama’s ACORN rather than hedge-fund managers were responsible for the Wall Street implosion of September 2008 (Press, 2012).
For more information click on