Friday, January 25, 2013

Missing Link:Ancient Alien Theory

Ancient astronaut theorists argue that intelligent extraterrestrials visited Earth in antiquity or prehistory and devised Homo sapiens from hominids as well as introduced to their protégés the art of civilization and skills for further development. These extraterrestrials with advanced technology that was perceived as “supernatural” were viewed as deities by primitive men (Lieb, 1998). Erich von Daniken, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Zecharia Sitchin, Robert K. G. Temple, David Icke and Peter Kolosimo were among the theorists who argued what would become the popularized ancient alien theory (Von Daniken, 1984). The ancient alien theory maintains that extraterrestrial beings introduced their DNA into the human race to facilitate our evolution and intellectual superiority over all other creatures on this planet. The primitives of prehistory worshipped these extraterrestrials with perceived “supernatural power” as gods, angels or demons. Worship, contact and guidance given by these perceived deities became the foundation of modern religion. Under the supervision of these advanced beings, pyramids and other monolith were built in ancient civilizations throughout the globe (Olien, 1978). Theorists used artifacts, artwork and legends to support their contention that contact with advanced off-world beings resulted in standing megaliths, organized religion and spread of civilization throughout the globe.
As an integral part of the evidence presented, ancient alien theorists use religious mythologies to confirm the validity of their theory. They focus on tales of gods who descended from heaven to Earth to create or instruct humanity. Theorists argue that these visitors were actually extraterrestrial beings whose mastery of advanced technology accounts for their reception as supernatural beings (See Images 1-2). These proponents believe that these off-world beings were exclusively from planets in star systems many light years away from Earth.

Item 1: Dogu Japanese Figure allegedly wearing space goggles

Image 2: An artifact discovered on the Russia-China border of alleged ancient astronaut.

This book argues that there is another group of ancient aliens from the future rather than the stars that best resemble their homo sapien ancestors distinct from Reptillians, Greys, Lyrans, etc. It appears that many of the extraterrestrial hybrids spawned to adapt to Earth’s environment failed to survive. Survival of the spawn of time travelers from the future is more likely. Time travelers may have visited the past to select and endow their descendants, the future progress and development of the human race. Theoretically, the theologies were established as guidelines for adaptation and advancement that would protect people from their own greed and other self-serving primitive instincts (See Image 3).
Image 3 : Greed
Ancient alien theorists use Ramayana, Book of Genesis, Book of Enoch and Book of Ezekiel to support their thesis that the foundation of our religious practices was founded on contact with extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times. Religion up until modern times has been the undisputed center of human activity. In India, gods and their avatars such as Rama traveled from place to place in flying machines dating back to 5th or 4th centuries BCE. Rama is mentioned in von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods as a space vehicle. The author also described cited Baima as flying in a jet propulsion vehicle (Daniken, 1968).
From the Book of Genesis

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Time Travelers: Ancient Astronauts From the Future [Paperback]

The purpose of this book is to examine whether time travelers or chrononauts from the future exists and has altered our past and present. If so, to what extent was our past been altered by time travelers? What was their possible mission or ultimate goal? If there is substantial information to support time travelers from the future determining the past, did they do this alone, with or ahead of Extraterrestrials and why? Does Ancient Alien Theory verify the involvement of human time travelers in our past? If so, what are the extent and time frame of that involvement?
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Time Travelers: Ancient Astronauts From the Future [Paperback]

The purpose of this book is to examine whether time travelers or chrononauts from the future exists and has altered our past and present. If so, to what extent was our past been altered by time travelers? What was their possible mission or ultimate goal? If there is substantial information to support time travelers from the future determining the past, did they do this alone, with or ahead of Extraterrestrials and why? Does Ancient Alien Theory verify the involvement of human time travelers in our past? If so, what are the extent and time frame of that involvement?
Price: $34.99 Amazon + Postage or $30 Money Order to Author includes postage cost ($4-$5).

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Time Travelers: Ancient Astronauts From the Future [Paperback]

The purpose of this book is to examine whether time travelers or chrononauts from the future exists and has altered our past and present. If so, to what extent was our past been altered by time travelers? What was their possible mission or ultimate goal? If there is substantial information to support time travelers from the future determining the past, did they do this alone, with or ahead of Extraterrestrials and why? Does Ancient Alien Theory verify the involvement of human time travelers in our past? If so, what are the extent and time frame of that involvement?
Price: $34.99 Amazon + Postage or $30 Money Order to Author includes postage cost ($4-$5).

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