Friday, July 5, 2013

From the Stars: Our Origins and Intervention

The purpose of From the Stars: The Origin of Intellectual Design, Evolution, Western Civilization and Our Future is to examine the research, interpretations and ensuing theories that our civilization was taught to us by star beings. Traditional cultures globally have passed down legends or myths regarding human origin, evolution and seeding of civilization initiated by these star beings. In the 1930s, researchers traveled to Mali to interview the Dogon tribe and examine one of these legends or myths. They concluded that Dogon tribesmen understood scientific knowledge, primari-ly the “Big Bang Theory,” other cosmological knowledge and astronomy knowledge well before it was known in the West. These researchers found that Dogon tribesmen were taught this knowledge from Nommos from the Orion Belt. This constella-tion is adjacent to the brightest star in the Sirius star system. Theorists concluded that Dogon tribesmen were pointing to Sirius as the home of Nommos who supposedly seeded the human race from the hominids, genetically implanted evolution and taught them a civilized way to procure progress and technological advancement. Wayne Herschel challenged this theory made popular by Robert Temple’s Sirius Mystery and found it was in error. He claims that some of the latest data taken since Temple’s book in 1976 lead to the conclusion that the Dogon tribesmen were referring to the other side of the Orion Belt where the Taurus lies and planets actually exist. This revision and the original interpretation of the origin of Dogon tribesmen’s star beings are analyzed.
The book explains how the Nommos from the Orion-Taurus Constellations established intellectual design, its evolution and civilization conveying its further collective development among Earth’s aboriginals, like the Dogon tribesmen. Dogons who were early inhabitants of prehistoric Egypt shared instruction taught to them by Nommos to the inhabitants of the Nile Valley who built the Egyptian civilization. Nommos and other extra-terrestrials visited and colonized other traditional people throughout the prehistoric world and initiated the renowned ancient civilizations in various fertile crescents from Tigris and Euphrates through Indus to the Americas. In these centers of ancient civilization they seeded hybrids among the aboriginals would evolve into Homo sapiens. Under the imposed “survival of the fittest” the “hybrid” or “avatarized” hominids proliferated while uninte-grated hominid were forced into extinction by this more advanced specie derived by directed pansper-mia of star beings. The book provides insight into this extinction and panspermia phenomenon.
A thesis is presented that the star beings’ Dogon-Egyptian Civilization seeded the development of Western Civilization. Nommos instruction in a terrestrial form became known as the Egyptian Mystery System that was spread to Greece and other parts of the know world through its schools and universities. When the religious intolerance reached its heights during the Dark Ages of Europe, the Dogon-Egyptian Mystery System was prohibited by censorship, torture and a slow and gruesome death after a forced confession is procured and learning became nearly extinct except among the royalty. Progress and invention were discouraged. But, the Mystery System prevailed among the African Moors and Arabs encountered in the crusades. Knights Templars and Masons secretly maintained this knowledge to their advantage. Once it was revealed they were either murdered, captured for the Inquisition or fled. The Renaissance provided an opportunity for those who had fled to the underground to reemerge and their ideas to be reborn in the art, science and culture of the Renaissance as a motivating and inspirational force. The Mystery System was condoned by the middle-class because it led to scientific thinking conducive to technological advancement and its ensuing progress. Freedom to pursue this idea forbidden by the Catholic Church resulted in over 100 years of war, torture and deaths by inquisition or witch-hunts before Reformation emerged provid-ing greater tolerance of the Mystery System of learning. From this point onward, Western Civilization arose to lead the world in invention, technological advancements, progress and accumulation of wealth.
This book looks into Genome Project, exo-science, exo-theories and exopolitics that claim that Homo sapiens have “extraterrestrial (ET) junk genes” that affect our DNA imperatives. The ET-DNA imperatives include a return to our ancestral origins thorough space and multidimensional travel and exploration. It calls for us to spend billions to make contact with our celestial cousins. In addition, we are considering how to use direct panspermia to replicate our life form in other galaxies. There seems to a Manifest Destiny that intergalactic within our ET-DNA. If such is true, we are more alien or avatar-like than readily understood. This book examines this manifestation and interprets whether it confirms the exo-theory that we are the seeds of purposeful and direct alien panspermia, as well as continuous intervention.
Readers will have the opportunity to scrutinize evidence that the past is the future and vice versa. History is both linear and cyclical. What is not learned is bound to be repeated. The evidence shows the great minds and creative individuals have been able to traverse hyperspace or 5th dimension of space-time to travel to the future or past without a time machine. How these out-of-body travels are incurred is perused. Considerable time is spent on the scientific research to bend time and travel through time or hyperspace.
The book also takes readers to the subject of whether we colonized the Moon and Mars or have been colonized by their ET inhabitants. It raises provocative and controversial questions and pursues answers as follows:
  1. What is on the Dark Side of the Moon? 
  2. Why is the aerial view of the mega-liths on Mars replicas of the Egyptian pyramids spread along the Nile Valley?
  3.  What is the Truth about our space expeditions to the Moon and photos taken of megaliths emerging and later submerging back into the surface of Mars?
  4. Why is it illegal to contact an ET punishable by detention by NASA?
  5. What is accelerating our evolution, making us less fertile, weakening our immune system, etc.?
Is the destiny of mankind to become a Grey Alien, technological specie de-void of natural instincts, passions and emotions?
For more information see Dr. Rufus Jimerson’s books on  Amazon or


Extraterrestrials in the White House

Beyond the obvious facial resemblances between President Obama and Pharaoh Akhenaten that extends to Michelle Obama and Queen Tiye, Akhenaten’s mother, there are other parallels in philosophy, policy and conflict with traditional religious authorities. The religious resistance to their rule is based on traditional plutocratic and xenophobic convictions. President Obama who has been very generous toward the religious right is contrasted to Pharaoh Akhenaten, who removed the traditional religion’s state support, received comparable challenges to their rule. Akhenaten’s religious revolution was abbreviated by either death or a staged death whereby he would be resurrected as Moses. President Obama was elected by electoral and popular mandate but faces a recalcitrant majority in the House of Representatives intent on cutting social programs. Wealthy conservative billionaires fund the opposition to Obama while the religious right or so-called moral majority supplies most of the ground forces or activists.  Without the full support of these believers” a their social agenda opposing contra-ceptives, abortion, same sex marriage, decriminalization of marijuana, cultural diversity, other races and ethnicity, other belief systems, etc., the government would reflect the more diverse demographic majority.
This book based on numerous insights looks beyond the surface and carefully examines the numerous simi-larities faced by the Obama’s and Akhenaten’s binary rule, particularly from the religious right. This examination looks into the possibility that cosmic consciousness of the dynastic ruler, and his wife/mother is alive among the Obama’s. The binary rule’s perspective and policies are untraditionally supportive of women’s issues regarding love, beauty, grace, transparency and peace in contrast to opponent’s reliance on the patriarchy. The karmas herein that were not completed during the Akhenaten dynasty seem to be in the process of fulfillment if Obama’s presidency can overcome the challenges from the right. The fulfillment and preservation of life on this planet are at stake since their common opponents are motivated by a lust for power, influence, greed, narcissism, deceit, self-aggrandizement, vanity, exclusion and opportunism at the expense of humanity, all living things and harmony with nature.
First, the book looks at the reincarnation of peace, harmony and love of all things through cosmic consciousness and karma as displayed in our leaders during one of Egypt’s most significant dynasties and its distant descendant, also arising from Dogon-Egyptian and Mu roots, overseeing the world’s leading superpower. Both have traversed to their rule from lineage, and a view of the world cultivated in Africa and pass through DNA memory and hyperspace to the present. This means that there is a spiritual entitlement through the unempirical 5th dimension of space time traversed through dreams, meditation, prayer and hypnosis. Respective theories and other mechanisms to travel through hyperspace are examined. Evidence supportive of cyclical linear view of time and history is presented. 
A thorough examination of the past lives work of Dr. Goldberg is forthcoming. A search for the meaning of past-lives, reincarnation, and ascendancy in contrast to decadency is launched. The role of karma in the latter context is described. The connection to the first supercivilizations, Mu (The Garden of Eden) and Atlantis, through past lives derived from regressive hypnosis and fulfillment of karma is examined.
This book presents the exopolitical and exo-scientific argument that Homo sapiens are spawn of 22 extra-terrestrial races and Homo erectus. According to the research presented, mankind’s DNA coding constitute of at least 5 percent that is extraterrestrial, may constitute our intellectual apti-tude and control all the other genes similar to how the brain rules the entire body. This biological as well as extrinsic intervention by off-world beings, include-ing the Grey, is highlighted. The Greys, one of the intervening extraterrestrials, are believed to be chrononauts from the future. They are a result of evolutionary man-kind’s one or more millenniums from the present that have lost their ability to reproduce and remain physically strong in an atmosphere that is toxic to life, A diverse group of intervening extraterrestrials use hybrids (Star Children and Alphas) to preserve civilizations that are humane and respectful of all living things and nature. Instruction in this regard is revealed as being transmitted through dreams, meditation, prayer and hypnosis that serve as cosmic conscious portals into the 5th dimension of hyperspace. A deductive search for the multiple purposes of intervention is made. Respectively, are they trying to disable an undesirable future and direct mankind to a closer connection with the universal cosmic conscious-ness? If so, what are the steps to ascendancy? What are the consequences of failure? How does one know individually and collectively whether their activities and policies' foster spiritual ascendancy or descending to a hominid enslaved to primitive instincts? 

For more information see Dr. Rufus Jimerson’s books on  Amazon or

Friday, January 25, 2013

Missing Link:Ancient Alien Theory

Ancient astronaut theorists argue that intelligent extraterrestrials visited Earth in antiquity or prehistory and devised Homo sapiens from hominids as well as introduced to their protégés the art of civilization and skills for further development. These extraterrestrials with advanced technology that was perceived as “supernatural” were viewed as deities by primitive men (Lieb, 1998). Erich von Daniken, Giorgio A. Tsoukalos, Zecharia Sitchin, Robert K. G. Temple, David Icke and Peter Kolosimo were among the theorists who argued what would become the popularized ancient alien theory (Von Daniken, 1984). The ancient alien theory maintains that extraterrestrial beings introduced their DNA into the human race to facilitate our evolution and intellectual superiority over all other creatures on this planet. The primitives of prehistory worshipped these extraterrestrials with perceived “supernatural power” as gods, angels or demons. Worship, contact and guidance given by these perceived deities became the foundation of modern religion. Under the supervision of these advanced beings, pyramids and other monolith were built in ancient civilizations throughout the globe (Olien, 1978). Theorists used artifacts, artwork and legends to support their contention that contact with advanced off-world beings resulted in standing megaliths, organized religion and spread of civilization throughout the globe.
As an integral part of the evidence presented, ancient alien theorists use religious mythologies to confirm the validity of their theory. They focus on tales of gods who descended from heaven to Earth to create or instruct humanity. Theorists argue that these visitors were actually extraterrestrial beings whose mastery of advanced technology accounts for their reception as supernatural beings (See Images 1-2). These proponents believe that these off-world beings were exclusively from planets in star systems many light years away from Earth.

Item 1: Dogu Japanese Figure allegedly wearing space goggles

Image 2: An artifact discovered on the Russia-China border of alleged ancient astronaut.

This book argues that there is another group of ancient aliens from the future rather than the stars that best resemble their homo sapien ancestors distinct from Reptillians, Greys, Lyrans, etc. It appears that many of the extraterrestrial hybrids spawned to adapt to Earth’s environment failed to survive. Survival of the spawn of time travelers from the future is more likely. Time travelers may have visited the past to select and endow their descendants, the future progress and development of the human race. Theoretically, the theologies were established as guidelines for adaptation and advancement that would protect people from their own greed and other self-serving primitive instincts (See Image 3).
Image 3 : Greed
Ancient alien theorists use Ramayana, Book of Genesis, Book of Enoch and Book of Ezekiel to support their thesis that the foundation of our religious practices was founded on contact with extraterrestrial visitors in ancient times. Religion up until modern times has been the undisputed center of human activity. In India, gods and their avatars such as Rama traveled from place to place in flying machines dating back to 5th or 4th centuries BCE. Rama is mentioned in von Daniken’s Chariots of the Gods as a space vehicle. The author also described cited Baima as flying in a jet propulsion vehicle (Daniken, 1968).
From the Book of Genesis

For more information contact, Amazon  books or Kindle.


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Time Travelers: Ancient Astronauts From the Future [Paperback]

The purpose of this book is to examine whether time travelers or chrononauts from the future exists and has altered our past and present. If so, to what extent was our past been altered by time travelers? What was their possible mission or ultimate goal? If there is substantial information to support time travelers from the future determining the past, did they do this alone, with or ahead of Extraterrestrials and why? Does Ancient Alien Theory verify the involvement of human time travelers in our past? If so, what are the extent and time frame of that involvement?
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Time Travelers: Ancient Astronauts From the Future [Paperback]

The purpose of this book is to examine whether time travelers or chrononauts from the future exists and has altered our past and present. If so, to what extent was our past been altered by time travelers? What was their possible mission or ultimate goal? If there is substantial information to support time travelers from the future determining the past, did they do this alone, with or ahead of Extraterrestrials and why? Does Ancient Alien Theory verify the involvement of human time travelers in our past? If so, what are the extent and time frame of that involvement?
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Time Travelers: Ancient Astronauts From the Future [Paperback]

The purpose of this book is to examine whether time travelers or chrononauts from the future exists and has altered our past and present. If so, to what extent was our past been altered by time travelers? What was their possible mission or ultimate goal? If there is substantial information to support time travelers from the future determining the past, did they do this alone, with or ahead of Extraterrestrials and why? Does Ancient Alien Theory verify the involvement of human time travelers in our past? If so, what are the extent and time frame of that involvement?
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